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Today I'm interviewing Yuri Lowenthal who is the voice of Sasake on the 
Series Naruto. 

Hey Yuri How's your day. 

Pretty damn good. Thanks for asking. 

How did you get into acting? 

It all started in high school. I had always wanted to try out for a 
play, but kept putting it off to do other stuff. Finally in my senior 
year I took the leap and auditioned for the annual Shakespeare 
production, was cast, fell in love with it, and that's all she wrote. 


What was your very first role? 

I played Navarre in Love's Labour's Lost. Before that, I played a 
despondent suicidal teen in an English class playwriting project. 


What was your first voice acting role? 

A crazy character on a 7-UP promo CD-Rom you got when you bought a 
2-Liter bottle of 7-UP. My first "real" role was Bakunetsumaru on SD 
Gundam Force. 


On the series Naruto you were cast as Sasuke can you give me an explanation 
on your character? 

He's a tortured young ninja in training, consumed and driven by vengeance. 

Who is your favorite anime character you like to play? 

This question is kind of impossible to answer. 

You have made a production company called Monkey Kingdom Productions, can 
you give me an explanation on that company? 

We formed it because we were frustrated at being at the mercy of the 
entertainment industry and we wanted to take some control. We're in 
post-production on our first feature film, a psycological thriller, 


Now to a game show topic. 

Have you actually tried out for a game show? 

Yes. I forget what it was called, but when you answered a question 
wrong, they dropped you down into a pit.


(The Game Show he was talking about was "Russian Roulette")


Which game shows did you use to watch one when you were younger?


The Price is Right, Hollywood Squares, and Wheel of Fortune


According to my research you play the voice of Superman on the series 
"Legion of Superheroes". I got a question, when you were younger what comic 
books did you read and which ones to do read today. 

I read every comic book I could get a hold of when I was younger. 
Nowadays, it's too expensive/complicated to keep up so I limit myself to a few titles. I like HELLBOY, anything Frank Miller, Marvel's Civil War. Whatever people receommend to me.



When you are not Voice Acting what do you do in your spare time? 

Look for more acting work. Watch movies. Write. Do yoga.


Well Yuri what do you have to say to all of our fans around here. 

I love you.


Take care yourself 

You too, Jared. Thanks!


You can visit his official website at

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